World Economic Forum 2016, over onderwijs

Deze voederbak voor de upper welgestelde vrijgestelden van deze wereld, deze trog dus, heeft (ook) een mening over het onderwijs van de toekomst. Een bizar-hybride compositie van vertrouwd verleden, onrustig heden en ongewisse toekomst :

Wie dat allemaal teveel is, kan de hi lights nalezen in het Financieel Dagblad van dinsdag jl, slippendrager van het World Economic Forum en protagonist van alles wat mooi en verheven is aan geld en Apples, het lijfblad van Maurice :

Dat is nog eens andere koek dan de Haagse intrigues van (de overbetaalde Rosenmüller) en (onderverdienende) miskende Hond. Vooral nu Apple met tegenvallende kwartaalcijfers komt  –  iPod, iPad, iTablet en iHorloges, dat laatste nog wel in directe i-concurrentie met de i-enclave waar Davos ligt.

Dat rapport is in elk geval goed voor het gemeentebestuur van het dorpje Davos, en de hotel-eigenaren. Die zaten anders met lege hotelkamers, nu de winter het laat afweten (de crocussen staan in bloei) en de klimaat-conferentie van Parijs (december 2015) ook al niet meewerkt.

7 Reacties

  1. Het World Economic Forum gaat

    Het World Economic Forum gaat over, u raadt het niet, de economie, en wordt bevolkt, dit had u ook niet verwacht door het bedrijfsleven, lobbyisten, geselecteerde politici en liefdadigheidsorganisaties. Pas op burgers, er staan 'snipers' op de daken. Hoe globaler, hoe minder inspraak. Eens raden welke organisaties uit welk land met name het voortouw nemen? Iets met VS? "Our Members comprise 1,000 of the world’s top corporations, global enterprises usually with more than US$5 billion in turnover." De schaalgrootte is verpletterend en dwingend. "The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation."


    Nu TTIP, TiSA, enz nog invoeren. Op 3 februari 2016 (volgende week) stemt EP over conceptrapport omtrent TiSA. "Red lines”: protect EU public services, labour rights, citizens’ data and the right to regulate MEPs want "clear and explicit" exclusions for sensitive EU sectors, including: all public services, such as education, health, social services, social security systems, and audio-visual services." In geopolitiek spelen spijkerharde belangen(conflicten). Wat suiker eroverheen, en ook deze bittere pil zal door de burger moeten worden geslikt? Wat doet de Nederlandse politiek? Niets, want 'outsource' naar EP, vervolgens tekenen met een kruisje rechtsonder door Tweede Kamer? Diffuse democratie. 'Europa' (lees: EU) (be)hoedt (ons voor) over onze belangen ;-).


    Door Sassoc aangehaalde artikelen op World Economic Forum-website:

    Titel: 'What will the future of education look like?'; Onderwerp: MOOC; Rubricering: Global Agenda; Education; Employment-skills-and-human-capital; University; Auteur: C. L. Max Nikias, President, University of Southern California; He holds the Robert C. Packard President's Chair and the Malcolm R. Currie Chair in Technology and the Humanities, and chairs the USC Hospitals Governing Board.; Datum: 23 januari 2015


    Titel: 'What kind of education do we need in the future?'; Onderwerp: OpenAI [Infosys tov Google en Facebook die eigenaren zijn van enorme hoeveelheid data; men wil 'research ecosystem' 'not-for-profit' – jaja] via school ICT altijd en overal; Rubricering: Global Agenda; Digital; Education; Technology; Auteur: Vishal Sikka, CEO, Infosys; Prior to joining Infosys, Dr. Sikka was a member of the Executive Board of SAP AG and the Global Managing Board, leading all SAP products and innovation globally; Datum: 23 januari 2016


    Ook: Global Agenda; Digital; Human implications of digital media; 'How much screen time should children have?'

  2. “Nearly half (of the 16-28

    "Nearly half (of the 16-28 year olds ) in Western countries said their education did not prepare them for what to expect from working life" Ik wil toch wel dat onderwijs meer biedt dan dressuur om een goed werkpaard te worden en te blijven. Laat die Amerikanen hun flauwekul thuis houdeen! Geen TTIP!!

  3. Vandaag 03 februari 2016

    Vandaag 03 februari 2016 resolutie in Europese Parlement [EP] tav EP's TiSA-aanbevelingen voor Europese Commissie. Samenvatting rapport van Vivian Reding, rapporteur Europese Parlement tav TiSA (dienstenhandelsverdrag), nav EP's aanbevelingen, 25 januari 2016.


    "European Parliament resolution of 3 February 2016 containing the European Parliament’s recommendations to the Commission on the negotiations for the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) (2015/2233(INI))"


    Texts adopted (provisional edition)


    "A. whereas the TiSA negotiations should achieve effective international regulation, not lower domestic regulation;"

    "K. whereas citizens’ trust in the EU’s trade policy must be bolstered by ensuring not only beneficial outcomes in terms of employment and wealth creation for citizens and businesses, but also by guaranteeing the highest level of transparency, engagement and accountability, by maintaining constant dialogue with social partners, civil society, local and regional authorities and any other relevant stakeholders, and by setting clear guidelines in the negotiations;"


    Aanbevelingen van EP aan EU-commissie omtrent TiSA-onderhandelingen:

    "(b) regarding market access:

    i. to exclude public services and audiovisual services from the scope of application of the agreement, and to take a cautious approach to cultural services without prejudice to the EU's commitments in the GATS; to seek ambitious commitments across parties, sectors, and levels of government, in particular the furtheropening of foreign markets as regards public procurement, telecommunications, transport and financial and professional services;"

    "iv. to reject the application of standstill and ratchet clauses to all market access commitments and national treatment commitments and to reject their application to sensitive sectors, such as public and cultural services, public procurement, Mode 4, transport, and financial services; to allow for enough flexibility to bring services of general economic interest back into public control; to maintain the right of the EU and Member States to modify their schedule of commitments in accordance with the GATS;"

    " x. to exclude, in line with Articles 14 and 106 TFEU and Protocol 26, current and future services of general interest and services of general economic interest from the scope of application of the agreement (including, but not limited to, water, health, social services, social security systems and education, waste management and public transport); to ensure that EU, national and local authorities retain the full right to introduce, adopt, maintain or repeal any measures with regard to the commissioning, organisation, funding and provision of public services; to apply this exclusion irrespective of how the public services are provided and funded; to ensure that social security systems are excluded from the scope of application of the agreement; to reject the proposal on a patient mobility annex, which is opposed by the majority of TiSA participants; to recognise the great importance attached by European citizens to high-quality public services that contribute to social and territorial cohesion;"



    "c) regarding rules on the digital economy:"

    "iii. to acknowledge that data protection and the right to privacy are not a trade barrier, but fundamental rights, which are enshrined in Article 39 TEU and Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; to acknowledge that a high level of trust is essential to develop a data-driven economy; to guarantee full respect of this fundamental right, taking due account of recent developments in the digital economy and in full compliance with the European Court of Justice’s ruling with respect to Safe Harbour; …"

    "iv. to ensure that European citizens’ personal data flow globally in full compliance with the data protection and security rules in force in Europe; to ensure that citizens remain in control of their own data; to reject, therefore, any ‘catch-all’ provisions on data flows which are disconnected from any reference to the necessary compliance with data protection standards;"



    "2. Requests that the Commission take this resolution fully into account and respond within six months of its adoption;

    3. Instructs its President to forward this resolution containing the European Parliament’s recommendations to the Commission and, for information, to the Council, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the administrations and parliaments of all TiSA parties."


    Wordt vervolgd….

    [Voor het sentiment omtrent TTIP: interview Nederlandse onderhandelaar: "zonder TTIP doen we niet meer mee".]

  4. @  Sympa, hierboven

    @  Sympa, hierboven

    Goed dat je de aandacht erop vestigt. Toch, ik ben niet optimistisch, de EU parties/institutions zijn sterk verdeeld ; en altijd minder sterk dan hun amerikaanse counterparts. Theoretisch wil het Parlement wel. Maar de lobbyisten zijn meesters in het politieke veld bespelen (Rutte, in Silicon Valley, treurige, ja behoeftige vertoning), hun financiele middelen zijn on-democratisch groot, het Parlement verdeeld. Dit Parlement heeft natuurlijk geen stevige democratische basis. Waar wel ? Kwakkelen lijkt de maatstaf te zijn. Hoe zou dat anders kunnen ? 

  5. Viviane Reding: “#EPlenary

    Viviane Reding: "#EPlenary adopts very clear #TiSA mandate by 532 votes to 131. @europarl is sitting at negotiation table @EPPGroup @EU_Commission" 03 February 2016


    Viviane Reding: "If recommendations are respected, will deliver reciprocity, shape globalisation, protect consumers & restore trust." 03 February 2016


    Viviane Reding: "We want to be standard-makers today, not standard-takers tomorrow " [zie]

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